Whitman County Library
Please visit the facebook page to keep up on current events!
Please visit the Facebook page for current events:
St. John, Washington
or visit StJohncable.com and click on What's on channel 8? for other events and notices.
Annual events:
Taco Trauma
Second Friday in March
St. John Community Club
St. John Easter Egg Hunt at the St. John City Park
Saturday before Easter
SJE 4-H Club
St. John Community Fair
Fourth weekend in April
Thursday - Sunday
SJE 4-H Club
Webb’s Slough Sprint Boat Race
Father’s Day Weekend – Third Saturday in June
(fans camping on-site Thursday-Sunday)
Summer Dayz Car Show
Poker Walk, Outdoor Food/Beer Garden, Swim Team Breakfast Fundraiser
lAST Saturday in June
St John Auto Body & Custom, 509-648-3724
St John Town Wide Yard Sale (Annual)
LAST Saturday in June
Lori Loomis- organizer
St John Try-Athlon (Annual)
Eagles/Wildcats Athletic Booster Club
LAST Saturday in June
Amy Swannack
Micah Armstrong
Webb’s Slough Sprint Boat Race
Fourth Saturday in August
(fans camping on-site Thursday-Sunday)
St. John Winterfest
First Saturday in December
St. John City Hall 509-648-3905
St. John Community Club 509-648-4040 (leave a message)